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The sports industry is moving towards era 2.0, MR LED is making sports display vividly

2021-08-29 1230

Recently, the 17-day Tokyo Olympic Games ended perfectly. The Chinese Olympic delegation finally ranked second on the medal list with 38 gold medals and 88 total medals for the best performance overseas, leaving a beautiful memory for this hot summer .

2020 Tokyo Olympic medal list

"5G+8K" set sail

Due to the epidemic, there were very few spectators in the Tokyo Olympics Games. In order to ensure the global audience's can experience the clear and accurate real-time display of the live screen, the International Olympic Committee set up an ultra-large ultra-high-definition display screen at each competition site, realizing the "5G+8K" live broadcast of the first Olympic Games.

50M ultra-high-definition large screen at the Tokyo Olympics sailing competition site 

High-definition and smooth online images, cheers from different countries and regions, create a warm competition atmosphere for athletes. At the same time, the "5G+8K" display technology, which also represents the highest level of the display industry, has gradually formed a "set sail" situation.


Mini LED--Excellent display terminal

MR LEDs Mini LED ultra-high-definition display products are constantly committed to technological breakthroughs in micro-pitch, high frame rate, high color depth, and wide color gamut, to bringing audiences the shocking view,feel of true 8K(ultra-high-definition 7680×4320 resolution) , and a more infectious and immersive live experience. At the same time, the infinite splicing of modules makes super-large display possible, and also provides more possibilities for the 8K ultra-high-definition display market application. It is an excellent display terminal for "5G+8K" ultra-high-definition reality applications.

MR LED is making sports display vividly

As is known, LED screens have always been a necessary facility for stadiums that often hold large-scale sports events. In order to accelerate the development of the sports industry era 2.0, the State Council recently issued a new document "National Fitness Plan (2021-2025)". The "Plan" talks about the promotion of the sports industry. This plan proposes that the total scale of the sports industry will reach 5 trillion yuan in 2025.


The National Fitness Plan draws a beautiful future for the development of the sports industry, and the new blue ocean of the 5 trillion market ushered in a period of development opportunities. As the world's leading LED display solution service provider, MR LED has focused on the LED display business, actively devoted itself to the global sports industry, assisted in the hosting of sports events, and lay out the construction of stadiums, and achieved remarkable and fruitful results since its establishment in 2006. At present, MR LED serves numerous major sports events, and is an active participant in major sports events in domestic and foreign markets.

In 2019, MR LED assisted the construction of Guangzhou Stadium, creating a comprehensive sports center with the most complete functional facilities in Guangzhou. According to the overall display system requirements, MR LED installed a total of 316 square meters of LED screens, including ring screens and funnel screens in stadiums.

Guangzhou Stadium

In 2019, MR LED assisted the construction of Ningbo Olympic Sports Center, providing large-scale comprehensive sports solutions for swimming pools and stadiums that meet international competition standards and can accommodate 13,000 people. According to LED display requirements, MR LED installed a total of 414 square meters of LED displays. Helped many large-scale international sports events, such as international men's basketball warm-up matches.

Ningbo Olympic Sports Center

MR LED not only serves the domestic sports market, but also has a number of large-scale successful sports cases in the international sports market. Provide high-level display solutions for international sports events and help them build world-class standards.

MR LED assists international sports events to provide LED display services

Facing the coming sea of stars of the sports industry, MR LED will continue to focus on technology and design, continue to deepen the sports industry, take the national fitness plan as the guide, create a world-leading sports stadium solution, realize product application covering comprehensive stadiums, in order to make a contribution to improve the countrys hardware level of sports events, and add luster to the national fitness industry with high-quality LED display services.


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